Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Here's the Deal (or Intro to my Jazz Blog)

I recently realized that I have a tendency to listen to a lot of jazz without really listening to the subtle aspects of the recordings. I generally listen to the head arrangement, check out bits and pieces of the solos, then space out for a while. I created this blog for a very personal reason: I want to help myself become a more critical listener.

I am not a jazz expert, however. My reviews will not resemble a music theorist's dissection of a transcribed John Coltrane solo. It's my intent to post short reviews of jazz albums as often as I have the time. I'll note things that interest me, and I'll also make some personal observations about the recordings. If there happen to be any readers, please add your own comments to the reviews-- especially if you're familiar with the recordings and want to point out something I should be looking for in the music.

By the way, the title of the blog is taken from a song by Ken Nordine, word jazz poet extraordinaire.


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